Corporate Owned Life Insurance is a significant market segment with unique product,
marketing and administrative needs. Ascent is the fulfillment of a COLI professional's
dream. It features all major marketing concepts and may be easily modified for private
placements and customized cases. Calculation speed is unsurpassed: a typical 100
life case runs in less than 2 seconds! Ascent's unique transaction-based engine
architecture ensures that new business, inforce and administrative calculations
will be consistent and accurate.
The many features of Ascent include:
- Incredibly fast processing increases throughput, enables more complete modeling
of complex scenarios and increases chances of making the sale.
- Census manager provides simple, yet powerful means of populating case data. The
spreadsheet structure contains intuitive commands for copying data, selecting lives
to be displayed, and copying data from other Windows applications.
- Dynamic linkage to Excel spreadsheets provides an additional method for incorporating
complex benefit models.
- Fiscal processing displays accurate accounting results on an annual, semiannual,
quarterly or monthly basis.
- Special multilife features such as aggregate funding and mortality adjusting may
be incorporated into standard concepts (e.g. Deferral) when appropriate.
- Extensive use of shared code across product engines allows for faster & more
cost effective code maintenance.
- Asset/Liability matching is available in conjunction with any marketing concept
through use of advanced solves.
- Alternate accounting options available for many benefits and insurance scenarios.
- Seamless transition from new business and inforce processing. In most cases, no
case file changes are required to transition from proposal to inforce.
- Plan manager compares and composites dissimilar products and concepts. This feature
is ideal for presenting several benefit plans within a single company, along with
a composite of all plans.
- Ascent contains solves for premium, death benefits, distributions, payment durations,
and multivariate nested solves that other systems cannot handle.
- Date-driven engine architecture permits thorough tax processing, including comprehensive
unnecessary premium testing and off-monthiversary sevenpay periods.
- Monthly reporting option displays all policy fees, charges and loads.
- All product and rider types, especially target term and cash value-enhancing riders.
- Easy-to-use interface that is identical for the desktop and web platforms.
- Web and desktop platforms share same case files. Upload/download features ensure
that cases run on one platform can be run on the other.
- Presentation output and custom pages incorporate results that are tailored to each